200 Rials, Sign. #31. Wmk #4, Komeini View the image
View the image
100 Baisa, Date: 1995. Prefix C/3
Iraq Pick 74 UNC 25 Dinar, Date: 1990.
50 piasters, Date: 1987
20 Rial, Sign #8.
1 Dollar, 2001.
10 Rial, Sign #5.
1 Pound, Date: 1978.
10 Rial, Serial #388854
25 piasters, Date: 1987.
10 Rial, Sign #7.
200 Rial, Sign #9.
10 Gulden, Date: 1 January 2000
100 Rial, Sign #5.
100 Pounds, Date: 1994, Double letter prefix KE 3028900
Pick 51, 52, 53b, 54d, 56, 57b, 58b, 59c, 62 and 5000 Dinar which is not listed in the catalog.
100 Dinars, Date: 1994, Fractional prefix K/87 594568
5 Rial, Sign #8.
1 Rial, Serial #142042 or #142043
500 Rial, Sign #10.
Set of 5, from 5 to 100 Dinars.
25 pounds, Prefix 1/132 649802
5000 Dinars, Date: 2002. Serial #TA 16175846
100 Pounds, Date: 1962. Serial #0542318, see the image
5 Rial, Serial #155586, see the image, this is the exact note you will receive.
50 pound, Date: 1987
50 pounds, Date: 1992, Type II, Single prefix J 50630886
10 Pounds, Date: 2006. Serial #DK 83206894
50 Rial.
5 pounds, Date: 1993
50 Pounds, Date: 2006. Serial #FA 02733078
1000 Rial, Sign #10.
25 piasters, Date: 1980, Serial # A/119 471556
20 Rial, Sign #5.
1 Rial, Date: 2005. Prefix D/2
This 5-page catalog covers every note (19 types and varieties, including 11 notes unlisted in the SCWPM) issued by the Bank of Eritrea from 1997 until present day.
To purchase this catalog, please visit www.BanknoteBook.com
This 13-page catalog covers every note (102 types and varieties, including 12 notes unlisted in the SCWPM) issued by the States of Jersey from 1941 to present day.
10 Rial, Date: 2000. Prefix C/2. Serial #2442159
200 Baisa, Date: 1995. Prefix C/2 (the image shows C/1)
20 Rial, Date: 2000. Prefix C/4. Serial #9287783
20 Pound, Serial #A/1 077681
1 Rial, Date: 1995. Prefix C/7
10 Rial, Date: 2010. Prefix D/1
100 Patacas, 8.12.2003, Serial #98105
20 Pound, Serial #A/1 113394
This 12-page catalog covers every note (97 types and varieties, including 9 notes unlisted in the SCWPM) issued by the Kuwait Currency Board in 1961, and the Central Bank of Kuwait from 1970 until present day.